Good and Right News Writing Procedures

Many professions that until now emerged and shocked the world. Starting from the most unique, interesting, phenomenal, sensational and others, of course there are. Even online soccer gambling fans also have other jobs besides excelling at the betting table. Some of them have become news writers both in print and online. However, fans of news writers must know some good and correct writing procedures so that the information provided is easily understood by readers.

The most important point in news writing is that the reader already knows the contents through the title. Therefore, maturity is needed in making the title so that the reader does not easily run away from the article since the initial paragraph. And this review will help news writers to be able to provide the best information and according to applicable directions.

  1. Using EYD
    The most correct and optimal news writing is required to use Enhanced Spelling (EYD). This is very important because formal information cannot be written randomly or haphazardly. There are many messages that must be present while using EYD, which in addition to beautifying the writing, it is also able to animate the information. So that readers are not easily bored to enjoy the news that is presented.
  2. Short But Clear
    The next one is short, concise and clear. In the structure of news writing, it is not recommended to provide ambiguous or repetitive information. For example, there are several paragraphs that have the same content. This is clearly not an example of wise news writing.
    Because every reader prefers if the article contains more varied news. Please note that the required word density in each sentence is at least 10 to 20 words. It will be even worse if 1 sentence is more than 30 words. Maybe even one paragraph contains too many phrases.
  3. Not long-winded – Tele
    This time it is not long-winded. It must be boring if the order of news from the first paragraph to the closing does not find clarity. Sometimes amateur writers prefer to provide information that does not at all lead to actual events. So that it is considered less informative to the reader. It would be even better if the writing duration was neatly arranged from 300 to 500 words per article. Because the most important thing is how the reader can know the essence of the news.
  4. Listing 5W1H
    And the most mandatory is to include 5W1H. Indeed, every news must have this composition to make it easier for readers to catch the message. News writers must know the composition of 5W1H and how to use it, as continued in the following description.
    • Who (Who): Every news item must have an object listed in the content starting from the name of the person, the name of the animal or the type of plant. It depends on the theme to be discussed.
    • What (What): The next element is what type of event will be presented.
    • When (When): The essence of the news that must provide information on the time of the events that took place.
    • Why : This is the reason why the perpetrator did an action.
    • Where : This time, the location of the incident must also be clear.
    • How (How): And the last is how the incident happened.
    From the discussion above, at least the news writers are starting to digest it to provide the best information for the future. Because some of the points above are very important to understand in order to produce good and correct writing.